Writer's block? I don't think so.

Do I have a writer's block? No. Why do I say so? Because first, I am not yet a writer per se. Second, its not like I do not have any ideas, its more like I want what I write to be nearly perfect, astounding and a very pleasant read. Now, I do realise it is not always possible to write a magnificent piece, nor it is necessary to write so all the time. I should be at peace with however and whatever I write. 

There are many reasons why I can and should be at ease with this blog. 

I do not have an audience to communicate with, there are no regular readers (or any reader for that matter) and I do not really have any desire for a large traffic on this blog. Its not as if I'd not like people to read this blog, but I am equally at peace knowing that no one is reading this. I am indifferent to it. There are no writing guidelines, and particular formats that I am bound to follow. 

Another way of saying this would be to say there are guidelines and formats but they are at my whims and fancy. Same thing? Perhaps. 

It is quite funny to look at the scenario. What I write here is essentially my thoughts, however random they may be, but still 'my thoughts'. If I write enough posts, it won't be too difficult for someone to figure out what sort of person am I, what my thought process is, what do I like and not like etc. Basically, they will be able to figure out about me nearly as well as the AI algorithms do. 

But, there's a catch. Nobody knows about this blog. All the posts here are in public and anyone can access it at any time. But no one will because nobody knows. It's like a camouflage– right there at your fingertips but you can neither see it nor have any knowledge of its existence. In a sea of websites, blogs and search engines, lies my thoughts and ideas, my likes and dislikes, in their raw forms, unknown to any consciousness but mine.  

I may be naive to think so though. I am aware of dark web, data leaks, and hacking of personally identifiable data. These are at the back of my mind when I write but I tend to ignore them.

Come to think of it, what is there that is not known to the algorithms of Google and Facebook? 

Are you still reading this post and thinking what is the point of writing all this? You are not alone. I am thinking so as well.
